6 Reasons Why You Should Promote Your Posts on Facebook

Facebook Promoted Posts

6 Reasons Why You Should Promote Your Posts on Facebook.

Have you ever wondered about promoted posts on Facebook? It is a really powerful way to reach a wider audience. I have recently started promoting some of my posts on Facebook and I’m seeing some great results. Take a look at these 6 reasons why you should give it a try and see if it works for you.

#1. It’s Cost Effective!

Promoting a post on Facebook is really affordable. Many would even consider it cheap compared to other forms of online marketing. It is especially cheap if you analyze it from a pay per view perspective. However, it’s important to remember not every view will generate leads like a comment, share, page like or a link click. You still need to post great content to get great value for money. You will see your investment pay off assuming your post grabs the attention of your niche.

#2. The Right Audience.

It would be relatively pointless to target thousands of users that are unlikely to be interested in your brand or business. But you’re less likely to waste your money on pointless views with a Facebook paid post. Why? Because your paid post will be seen by your existing audience AND their Friends. Now that won’t guarantee each view will be a hit. But we generally have things in common with those we choose to associate with. Your results may vary here depending on your niche. This works extremely well for my target audience & me.

#3. Growing Your Audience.

Your promoted post is likely to generate some interest in your brand. If your promoted post happens to generate new page ‘likes’ then consider it a wonderful bonus. It’s one more person who is likely to see your content, engage with you, share your posts & create organic viral views.

#4. It’s Not Just About Facebook.

The benefits of an advertising campaign with Facebook can be seen throughout your online presence with appropriate linking. You can drive a lot of traffic to your Website, blog, other social media accounts, your YouTube channel, or online store. This is particularly effective for people who generate their income via an online store or by monetizing their content with the likes of AdSense or affiliate marketing.

#5. It’s Easy!

Yeah, it’s simple. I am able to manage my promoted posts from my phone using the Facebook page manager app from the App Store. It’s just so gosh darn user friendly!

#6. You Set The Budget.

Marketing can get really costly if you’re considering other methods. The beautiful thing about marketing with Facebook is all the budgeting options. It keeps it clear and gives you a good idea what you can achieve with your budget.

Honestly, I was skeptic for the longest time. But it’s working for me. I can’t guarantee it will work for you and your brand, but it’s easy to find out. Select a low budget and experiment by promoting one of your more popular posts.

I hope you’re pleasantly surprised with the results!

By Dayne Collins


Dayne Collins