Geelong Twitter Accounts You Must Follow – 2014
I have been following the wonderful people of Geelong on Twitter for several years now and back when I first joined Twitter it was to struggle to find a couple of hundred Geelong Twitter accounts to follow but now we have embraced this social media platform so much that it’s become second nature for me to check Twitter for all Geelong news and updates.
Over the years I have come across some fantastic people on Twitter and today I wanted to share the current 5 Geelong Twitter Accounts You Must Follow. By following these accounts, you will not only be in the loop with what’s happening in Geelong but also allows you to help out in spreding news about our wonderful region.
#1 – Geelong Mayor: @Geelong_Mayor AKA @DarrynLyons
After a massive social media campaign, Darryn Lyons became the Mayor of Geelong in late November last year. Darryn has carried this attention to social media into his mayoral role amazingly and has become one of the most connected Mayors in the history of Geelong.
I recommend following the @Geelong_Mayor account for local news, updates and stories. I know more about what is happening in Geelong thanks to this account and I highly recommend you follow it! The best thing about this account is that he interacts with you on a regular basis, this was unheard of from any past mayors and because of this, Darryn gets my vote for Number #1 Geelong tweep to follow.
#2 – Give Where You Live: @GiveGeelong
“Give Where You Live aims to provide leadership to help create a Geelong and regional community in which all people can reach their full potential not constrained by health, education or income disadvantage.”
Give Where You Live support many different community organisations in Geelong and are a valuable part of our community but they too need our help. Following them and help spread the word about Give Where You Live and a simple re-tweet can help their fundraising appeals! So show them some love, follow them and help them spread the news about the good work they do in our community.
Some of the organisations they support are also on Twitter and you can follow them by clicking the links below:
- Wombats Wish – @WombatsWish
- Brave Hearts – @BraveheartsInc
- Geelong Food Relief – @GeeFoodRelief
- Delta Therapy Dogs – @DeltaSocietyAus
To find out more about the organisations Give Where You Live support click here.
#3 – The Geelong Chamber of Commerce: @GeelongChamber
“The Geelong Chamber of Commerce is the ‘voice’ of Geelong’s business community – working to protect, support and nurture business in the Geelong region.”
If you’re a business owner in the Geelong Region and you’re not a member of the Geelong Chamber of Commerce then you are missing out on a great opportunity to grow your business. Not to mention the networking opportunities through all the events they host throughout the year!
I recommend following them on Twitter, at least just to keep up with what’s happening in the world of business in the Geelong Region. Being part of the Chamber over the years I was running a small business in Geelong was incredibly beneficial and I can’t recommend it enough!
#4 – Geelong Cats: @GeelongCats
Ok, so this one is just me being a tad biased and if you’re a Collingwood supporter, I’d understand why you wouldn’t want to follow this account.
But if you’re a Cats Fan and you’re on Twitter, you should be following this account religiously.
If you’re a Cats Fan and not on Twitter, get a Twitter account and follow this account today! 🙂
Go Cats! #BelonGeelong
#5 – Geelong Supercats: @GeelongSupercat
Season 2014 for the Geelong Supercats is going to be huge, with the new CEO Dean Anglin (@DeanAnglin) at the helm you can expect some great things this year! Follow this account for news and score updates throughout the year but I recommend getting out there and watching a game, it will be worth your while!
So get behind our local SEABL basketball team this season and show them your support!
Go Supercats!
There are so many more great Geelong Twitter accounts out there worth following and I recommend following them all and saying G’day! All you need to do is search for Geelong in Twitter and click on the People link on the left hand side to connect with more Geelong Tweeps.
Stay tuned for my next 5 Geelong Twitter Accounts You Must Follow article and till next time.. Stay Social Geelong!
Reyan Fernando
Geelong Twitter Accounts You Must Follow
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