Imogen Brough, her new single and social media.

Imogen Brough

Imogen Brough, her new single and social media.

I caught up with Geelong singer-songwriter Imogen Brough earlier this week to chat about her recently released single “Love Is Like a Match” and how she uses Social Media to help promote her music.

Imogen burst into most of our lives in 2013 through her appearance on the reality talent show The Voice where she recollects how her experience, “was amazing!” and that “It really opened up a lot of doors for me as an artist.” But what a lot of people don’t know about Imogen is that she started playing the piano at the age of 6, influenced by her mum and dad, who both played instruments themselves and could see the benefits of learning an instrument at young age and got her into lessons.

She joined the Sweethearts and toured Europe during High School and was accepted into the Victorian College of the Arts/University of Melbourne, one of the country’s most prestigious music institutions. You can find out more about Imogen’s journey into and through the music industry by heading to her website

She currently listens to all types of music, from Celtic through to Dance, “some artists I love at the moment are Loreena McKennitt, Coldplay, London Grammar, Enya, Florence & the Machine, and Rufus.” When I asked If you were stuck on a deserted island and you had a iPod with only one album on it, what album would that be? She replied, “It would have to be Enya – Shepherd Moon”.

We chatted about what it was like starting and building her music career in Geelong and she was amazed at how Geelong got behind her on The Voice and that Geelong is “small enough for people to know who you are, but at the same time it is big enough to provide many different performing opportunities as well!” More recently Imogen has been honoured by being chosen as the Ambassador for Our Women Our Children and the Central Geelong Sidewalk Sales, which is on the 4th of November.

Love Is Like a Match was released on the 17th of October on iTunes but Imogen was hoping for it to be released sooner as it was ready at the end of March but due to a delayed photo shoot, it took a bit longer to get released. After listening to the single and seeing the single cover, it was definitely worth the wait and you can check it out on iTunes here.

Imogen uses Facebook, Instagram and Twitter as her three primary Social Media platforms and I was so happy to hear that she manages all three platforms herself. Her preference is Facebook though as she has spent a lot more time using it over the years and has nearly 15K likes and has become her primary form of communication with her fans. (Don’t forget to like here page!)

In late 2013, Imogen joined Twitter and was unsure at first and even though she doesn’t have the following on Twitter as she does with Facebook, she enjoys Twitter for the ability to talk to so many different people, she says “It makes things a little more meaningful and personal, and that’s why people like you as a musician!” which is exactly what Twitter should be about. If you are on Twitter, make sure you follow @imogenbrough and make sure you say hello.

Imogen will continue to use Social Media in the future with a focus on building her Instagram and Twitter accounts as the potential of these two platforms are enormous. “Social media was extremely useful for promotion of my new music! I can release whatever I want, whenever I like! It allows me to build up the suspense and make it really exciting for my followers when I do release new music!”

She is currently working on raising money for her second EP and you can find out more and help out by visiting her Pozible page here. The biggest challenge Imogen faces with her second EP is raising the finances to make it a reality and she has taken things into her own hands by tapping into the crowd-funding platform, another way she is using the powers of Social Media.

It was great catching up with Imogen Brough, make sure you get behind this Geelong songstress! You can check out Imogen live next at the Clyde Park Winery in November and make sure you check out her EP, Singles and performances on The Voice at her iTunes Preview page:

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